Friday, November 16, 2012

The Second Time I Left New Orleans

The first time I left New Orleans I had to, for Hurricane Katrina. The second time was because I needed a break.

You see, it was soon after the storm and things were wilder than usual. I'd just moved to a new place in a considerably cooler neighborhood, so cool, in fact, that my scooter was stolen from my house the week after I moved there. I'd even got myself a cooler job, as a cook/server/delivery driver in the kitchen of a bar in the french quarter. It would be much less boring than serving uptowners coffee on Sunday mornings.
There I experienced many new things. One was the vast amount of charachters that inhabit a dimly lit bar. Another was the joy of having groceries delivered. I could call up the shop around the corner and have my limes and cilantro delivered in thirty minutes flat by a not so friendly delivery man.
One day the delivery man demanded a tip before I had the chance to give him one.
When I mentioned this to my boss, she claimed he had been acting weird lately and aggressively asked her to come back to his place a few times that week.
Turns out she would've been in for a surprise had she joined him.
In the oven was his girlfriend.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The First Time

At age 15 I knew my apologizing had gone too far.

"I'm sorry," I said, looking down to my foot

which had squashed a large dog turd into the grass.